For pupils, students preparing for exams and competitions as well as graduate students and young pianists starting their careers!

WIPC - Weimar Intensive Piano Courses


Give a man a fish,
And you feed him for one day.
Teach this person to fish,
And you feed him for the whole life!
(Chinese proverb)

Start your powerful development!


“The student should see, first of all, the main features of musical relationships in the composition. He must understand what it is that gives the work unity, cohesion, force, or grace, and must know how to bring out these elements. There is a tendency with some teachers to magnify the importance of auxiliary studies and downplay the need to acquire a genuine musical base. Such a view is erroneous and leads to poor results. ”

S.V. Rachmaninov

My name is Elena Nesterenko

I am a concert pianist and have been a teacher at the High School of Music and Theater in Munich for many years.
My achievements:

  • More than 700 concerts in different European countries, Russia, Brazil, South Korea and China in large and small concert halls, with solo recitals, with symphonic and chamber orchestras and chamber music with outstanding partners such as Adrian Brendel, Anna Gourari, Alissa Margulis, Alexander Buzlov, Nils Mönkemeyer and other wonderful colleagues
  • 7 CDs with more than 30,000 copies sold
  • 30 years of teaching experience with pianists from 8 till 45 years of age at professional level (including 12 years of teaching at the High School of Music in Munich)
  • Founder and professor of the Maestro Academy Elena Nesterenko and creator of online video courses, founder and professor of Weimar Intensive Piano Courses
  • Founder of the International Festival of Fine Arts with Orchestra in Kostroma/Russia

Weimar Intensive Piano Courses (WIPC)

is a unique project created for a powerful immersion in the  knowledge of the great masters of the past according to my special method.

It is created on the basis of Russian and German piano schools, the musical phenomenology of S. Celibidachi and the knowledge of human energy derived from Chinese metaphysics.

This holistic methodology was adopted and implemented by young pianists from 24 countries worldwide in their further development (reviews below).

The goals of the 5-day intensive course
“Transformation of Mastery”

To develop musical thinking “from the holistic approach to details” and a clear understanding of musical structures.

To strengthen faith in your own abilities as a musician.

To establish a straight and free posture, to relax tight muscles, to prevent any occupational injuries and to increase the flexible mastery of the technical skills.

To develop minimal, economical hand and body movements for maximal results in technique and sound.

To master the main energetic exercises for being “in the flow” and to give impulses for figurative thinking, which allows speeding up the process of studying works.

To conceive music as a holistic concept in the score, to translate musical signs and agogic symbols into energy impulses.

To learn in-depth knowledge of musical phenomenology for a thorough study of musical connections in any composition.

To develop the skill of working properly on a solid finger technique – a strong, light and instant reaction of the fingers is the basis for any kind of technique.

According to worldwide statistics, about 90% of all musicians suffer from occupational illnesses. Among the well-known names of outstanding musicians suffering from occupational hand diseases are S. Rachmaninov, A. Toscanini, S. Taneyev, G. Neuhaus, A. Scriabin and others. Robert Schumann suffered so terribly from musician’s illness that it made him stop playing the piano and focus on writing music.

As you know, it is easier to avoid diseases with the help of preventive measures and the formation of a healthy mind and a healthy lifestyle than to treat them in laborious ways, often with poor outcome – after all, a broken cup cannot always be glued together again …


My teaching system allows to prevent 100% of all these terrible consequences of illiterate behavior behind the instrument. In addition to deep knowledge of the musical language, it implements the best achievements of integrated development including physical culture and energy knowledge from the treasury of Chinese medicine (over 5000 years) for relaxation, enjoyment of life and natural boosts of energy. This complex enables achieving the higher mastery without harmful side effects while giving you the chance to become a freer and more relaxed person, strengthen confidence in yourself and in your talent!

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Weimar Intensive Piano Courses

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